Responsibilities in the Church
by Ellen G. White

Too much labor is done by those who minister in word and doctrine in behalf of churches that should be set to work themselves. The church members should carry a weight of responsibility. They should keep their own souls in the love of God by exercising all the powers they have. By precept and example they should bear witness of the power of the truth and grace of Christ upon human hearts. This will commend the truth that the Seventh-Day Sabbath is a sign between them and their God. Obedience in the observance of the Sabbath testifies of the sanctification received through its observance. 19MR 173 (1898)

We should all feel our individual responsibility as members of the visible church and workers in the vineyard of the Lord. We should not wait for our brethren, who are as frail as ourselves, to help us along; for our precious Saviour has invited us to join ourselves to Him and unite our weakness with His strength, our ignorance with His wisdom, our unworthiness with His merit. None of us can occupy a neutral position; our influence will tell for or against. We are active agents for Christ or for the enemy. We either gather with Jesus or scatter abroad. True conversion is a radical change. The very drift of the mind and bent of the heart should be turned and life become new again in Christ. 4T 16

At the close of the address, Dr. Nisson, president of the society, made a few pointed remarks, calling attention to the fact that the great prosperity of the temperance movement in America is due to its being supported by religious zeal and Bible truth. He appealed most earnestly to parents to act upon the matter of training their children to temperate habits. After dismissing the audience, he introduced me to some of the leading temperance workers. Not a few came forward to greet me, shaking hands cordially, and expressing their gratitude for having heard the discourse, saying that they had never before listened to such a temperance lecture. An urgent desire was expressed that I should address them again; but I felt that our own people needed my help, and I must do all for them that was in my power. HS 211

Now, Elder Haskell, I want you to understand that I appreciate your interest in the scattering of the truth through a wide sale of Early Writings .[* S.N. HASKELL ENCOURAGED ELLEN WHITE TO HAVE EARLY WRITINGS PUBLISHED BY A NON-SDA PUBLISHING CONCERN IN ORDER TO SECURE A BROAD CIRCULATION. A CONTRACT WAS DRAWN UP AND A DELEGATION BROUGHT IT TO HER TO SIGN. AS SHE PICKED UP THE PEN TO SIGN, SHE PAUSED AND LOOKED UP, THEN SAID SHE COULDN'T SIGN. AFTER THE MEN LEFT, W.C. WHITE REMONSTRATED WITH HER BECAUSE SHE WAS FULLY AWARE OF THE TERMS, BUT SISTER WHITE TOLD HIM THAT WHEN SHE LOOKED UP, AS SHE WAS ABOUT TO SIGN, SHE SAW AN ANGEL STANDING BEHIND THE MEN SHAKING HIS HEAD,"NO."] I thank the Lord that I know you will not misunderstand me. I thank you for your kindly interest in my behalf. But I will closely watch and pray earnestly that the Lord will remove from me this pressure of debt without my taking a course that might seem unfair to the publishing houses. I know that your offer comes from the sincerity of your soul, and may the Lord bless you for your desire to help me, but I dare not venture to risk the consequences of the step you propose.--Lt 106, 1908. PM 208

When we join the church, we enter into solemn covenant to use our god- given powers in exerting a healthful influence. This God desires us to do at all times and in all places. RH JUL.11,1899